those are my favourite kroxigor models, and you painted them well!
Well being used to Golden Demon i found Open category a bit confusing, as in past GDs you could even present props in open category, i'd like...
I don't see why the big flier should be mounted [attach]
Awesome , it's like a crossbreed of Thorny Devil and Postosuchus!
It's a case of GW lazyness, it's easier to make double kit creatures as troglodon,ripperdactyls than a "new"one like Coatl
As alternatives you could try: -Sebeki warriors (from -Chapter house should sell some alternatives crocs too - The minions...
Isn't it a bit lacking of imagination that all new unit entries resemble so much to previous ones also if they have some different roles? for...
For Itzl there're Great and Bony crests and natural musk production...
Well it depends, i'm a great fan of the old metal saurus and plastic ones of 5th edition,the 5th temple guard,kroxigors ,love the skink priest...
I don't care for competivity :) Thanks for all the infos, what kind of big gribblie is the Great Wyrm ? A giant snake or wingless dragon? Thunder...
Re: My 2½ month paint quest. Steg & bast = done, kroxigors n .D Love the Krox's expression inside that group of skinks!
Just Awesome, and those little details as the frog and moth really make the piece!
Aw shame, Well you could try silly combos like oldblood with wizard hat but i think that similar things could be funny one or two times than they...
My first army are O&Gs so i can totally understand the difference on the number of choices, i think the new lizardmen book has missed some...
Re: Newbie needs a paint scheme.. No models to be found here I like the red and blue one, i think that if you keep the red like that and not...
It seems that the new artworks were made by two different guys that i don't know, one that did awesome work for example kroxigor art and another...
I say "Tsk" to new BG, Warhammer Background stops at 6th edition ;)
5th edition Tenehuini looks better than the new artwork :P But it's not just that work, GW has hired that new artist who is not as good as the...
Hi all, I'd like to know if it's just me or someone else too thinks the quality of GW's Artwork dropped as A.Smith and Kopinsky bros don't work...
Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it Looking forward to see it! Love how creepy that dino is, with the white on his head, almost like skull painture