Actually the Empire FAQ has an errata, the steam tank is tougness 10! That old blood would still need 6's to wound it i'm afraid, so not so good....
Yes you can as the cannon is a single model for all rules. So you target the cannon for rules purposes but in essance you would be sucking the...
@Agrem I agree with all the above, but I believe there is something in the assaulting buildings rules in the BRB that says only half the 10...
I think end times had it partly right with compining characters on monsters but why not give them the same rules as monsterous cav, but add the...
Its a tricky one as the rules dont cover partially obscured models in combat so I think you just have to use your best judgement and agree with...
You cant stagger the skirmishing salamanders as skirmishers have to be set up with 1/2" between each model but otherwise set up in the same way as...
Oh I agree it can still be done without the crown, but you haven't seen my leadership test rolls ;) I like mine LD 10 with rerolls just to be sure
Well in that case it contradicts the challenge rule if you read it like that, as it doesn't state you can step forward when a challenge is...
Ah yes can't have gem and dawnstone my bad
Problem is you have to take the crown otherwise you are rolling on leadership 4 due to static combat res. So doesn't leave much room for ward....
I think I have to agree with pendrake and nightbringer, I have reread the rules and I think if refusing a challenge violates the rule of ten...
Found this in the FAQ: Q: If a Wizard casts a spell that targets himself, or himself and his unit, and then leaves the unit, will the spell remain...
I cant find anything in the BRB that specifically says what happens in this situation, but if a character joins a unit affected by a spell, the...
Yes I agree it violates the choose ten. If you only have 10 models all have to step forward and therefore you cannot refuse the challenge. But...
The rule for maximizing combat states you must maximize for all units, so you would have to leave at least 2 elves in between the trolls so that 8...
Yeah there are just too few increments on the str scale, so there are loads of things the same str or toughness that shouldn't be fluff wise but...
Haha, I love polls, you get to see the answer on page one ;) I think if it was all coming out core points I'd just have to try a horde of them,...
Haha, ah ok, yeah I agree it would likely hit anyway
Yeah as the alter does not count as part of the stegadon for los this is correct. However it is important to note that if someone part of the...
The cannon has no line of sight as only head and body count. If you could see it behind the stone circle you could fire at the stegadon but if you...