Very sadly this is true RAW, but for casual play in don't see any problem using RAI.the joining units rule was quite obviously written with an...
I find the enemy units nearly always just attacks the skinks anyway and win the combat by a shed load of CR. I have never seen a skrox unit do...
Yeah I was using the big version and I also had two sacrificial skinks, one with wings and one with carpet so turn 1 and 2 still got me lots of...
And if you are using special characters this is one situation kroak works well, I played a game with kroak against wood elves and two lots of 6...
Ethereal characters can join non ethereal units but not the other way around. Also banshee does not need to be in base contact for their scream...
I really like saurus, I think they do their roll really well. They are no chaos warrior but they are also a damn site cheaper. I also play a unit...
Yeah ghostwarrior and vampteddy have it. You just loose your rank bonus and steadfast rule has nothing to do with your rank bonus, just if you...
I take sallies over razordons every time. They are just so much better and work well against just about all comers. I would say I have only used...
Yeah I can see why you go for life for chakax I think that's why I don't use him. He is just a liability, but I think it's good you play for fluff...
Yeah I like the Chakax model too but I just think he is too expensive. I used to take life all the time when we could have loremaster, but the...
Yeah fiery convocation will ruin marauders and if they don't want to loose the unit will have to waste 4+ power dice to dispel in their magic...
If it's monsters vs monsters you just can't beat giants. They are great monster killers
Yeah that's fair enough I like taking things because I like them, I'm terrible for taking giants in my ogre army even though there are so many...
Take as many things as poss that negate the -1 to hit. Lots of stegadons (impact hits and thunderstomp), lots of shooting/magic missiles,...
Re: My 2400 Lizardmen List - Advice and criticism welcome < Looks similar to a list I play but I seem to do better with it, I'd drop all the...
Ah I missed that, my bad. I'll have to appologise to my opponent for cheating my way to victory ;)
Well I didn't plan for it and that post was very tongue in cheek. I was playing solo shadow Slann and the opportunity just happened to arise, I...
Another great use of smoke and mirrors, charge shadow slann into unit, 6 dice transformation of kadon turn skink info mountain chimera. Then pop a...
Oh I didnt spot you had BSB on the scar vet too, yeah I agree I'd put BSB on the Slann. Scar vets can be used to better potential when they arent...
Haha, sorry that was a pretty flippant post, and you are right no one has that many. I do have 6 stegs though ;) I think I like the first list...