Alright yesterday I played again vs the same chaos player, this time we did 1000 points. A friend made up a list that sounded incredibly...
FW has always been a pay to win thing. There is no way I would use a dread saurain "not that I cant afford one, I could but I wont" because it is...
I liked the fitzgerald because it seems like it would surely protect everything if I ever travel through plane and stuff. And besides it looks...
This is the battlefoam that I ordered but I am seriously thinking on asking for a re-fund. I will mostly use it to take my models to my local...
Wow that NMM it's mind blowing! Fantastic Job man.
Well I was thinking on getting the "Ard Case" for my metal units such as the Slaan" and I purchased a battle foam for $150 on black friday but...
Do you think that the super big Battlefoam cases are not good idea?
Interesting, would you share a link? Also I need new brushes. ;__;
Hey, so I have been thinking on getting a Fitzgerald battlefoam to transport my lizardmen "and space marines" but I am also thinking on the new...
Lolololol There is another pe Looks like I will change my entry now since there are 3 possible models that I have to choose from. One of them has...
And what about the pink/blue horrors? Do you know in which page is this? I am going to show them today in order to avoid future shenanigans "had...
Will do definitely!
I remember you! From the eavy metal group! Well gotta give you honest credit, you made one of the UGLIEST kids ever produced into something DASHY...
I understand, we still need to fill 2 battle line units, but that is fine, now I can use a batch of TG and of Saurus warriors. Btw in which page...
Wait what?! where could I find this specifc information? so that I can bring it up next time because my gaming group apparently has gone with the...
me too haha. oh well maybe If I hurry I may be able to finish my starpriest. this sure sounds like fun.
Really?! This just sounds too kind! I cant believe it! Alright! I should be going Seraphon alliance then, I didnt know I could do that if I went...
Well we ended up playing 600 pts and that ruined my day cause my opponent put a behemoth creature and a khorne hero which... well. There is no way...
What benefit do I get if I run only Seraphon? Do I get to use all the spells from my battletome? Or use any trpp unit as battleline? Sorry,...
I think that we are not getting new models because "we are selling fine and we just recieved new minis in 2013" shenanigans. I mean I cant...