I have to throw my hand in with Trek on this one. Star Wars used to be my favorite, but I feel it has strayed from science fiction and more into...
I was able to get my skinks to rank up with shields and hand weapons (and a few spears for appearances). When I was putting them together, I had...
I voted for "mixture". We use the 50% lords/heroes thing, and we have no problem if people want to bring combined lists or use the new models....
I love 500 point lists. My favorite is oldblood cowboy, 2 groups of skirmishers, and a bastiladon. Oldblood has a crown of command (oldblood lets...
I've been running a lot of little lists lately. There is no problem with your list (though I prefer to fill my core with 2 groups of 10...
The way I see it, miscasts are an inevitable misfortune. I know of two ways to reduce the damage to the TG: - Option 1: Keep the slann on the...
This list should be (mostly) fine. Drop the razor standard. Skaven tend to be low toughness, low armor. They depend on their numbers for...
Be sure you have 2 units of chaff in front of that combat unit. Otherwise they might just redirect into your combat unit, which will then be...
You almost have that right. The knights still move up to 1" away from the saurus. They have to chase their target, and just because they run...
Thanks for all of your hard work! This was a great read, and it was really nice to read something positive after all of the doom and gloom from...
Fine. You don't get to auto pass your LoS, though you do get a 4+ if you are within 6" of an infantry unit, I think. It doesn't have the same...
My biggest issue isn't the destruction of Lustria by some farsighted skaven superweapon, or the death of most of our characters, or the fact that...
Ethereal is great if you know exactly what you are facing. Are you playing against high elves? Make your slann ethereal and keep him away from...
Simply put, it is using expendable units to keep enemies away from your important units. It is also for keeping nasty units out of combat. There...
Regarding Tetto in a cohort block: I normally run him with a block of about 26 or so skinks to act as shooting cover. Keep them behind your main...
I think a lot of it depends on how big a game world you are planning on making. If you are planning on making an entire planet, then a great...
Thanks again for another battle report. I'll be trying out the new magic rules next time I play. I was going to take a wandering deliberations...
Nope. It is an innate bound spell, it gets cast irresistibly, and is ready to go again on the next turn.
Here are my skink priests, as well as my custom Tetto: [attach] That is my heavens priest on the left, beasts priest on the right, and Tetto in...