My skinks are all bluish green. I paint all of my shields red to make them stand out. I'm not making my guys super camouflaged, so I want them...
Was this email a thing that actually happened? If so, doesn't that answer the question right there?
Re: Wandering Deliverations and Focus Mistery in end of time But why bother with dual slann at this point? You have all of the spells ever,...
Nothing quite like being told you are wrong to make you learn the rules better. My mistake had been two-fold: I thought it was spears OR shields,...
Whoops, my mistake. For some reason I thought you lost the shields if you took spears. You just can't use it while you are in combat. That is...
The list proper is not too bad. Pretty standard array of threats. Couple of comments: When posting lists, you don't need to list absolutely...
You know, as much as i hate the implementation of magic in this game (black sun can rot in hell), I actually don't think that giving everyone lore...
The main reason I would like them to focus more on the game than on merely being a seller of plastic models is that people are more likely to buy...
Well, it looks like they are at least pulling someone who has been with the company for a long time. I'm really glad they aren't pulling the kind...
Yes. Everything in the unit gains the benefit. Just be sure that you add Kroak last. Once he makes the unit unbreakable, non-unbreakable models...
Yup. Most hobby shops have it. It comes as two tubes. Cut off a small part of each tube (equal size) and mix them together. You then have...
My advice is to have a frame and to work in layers. I use milliput as my sculpting medium, as it is both easy to use and (more importantly)...
I always like seeing Kroak. He's a one trick pony, but it's a good trick. The best way for getting him more PD is to give a priest the forbidden...
I loved all of the battle reports for the tourney. That last loss was heartbreaking. As far as the ogres are concerned: the gnoblar lets them...
Keep in mind: They are definitely doing something. The archers are picking off weaker chaff units or weaker units in general. They are going to...
The way that my friend plays high elves is to ignore core as a combat choice. He takes reavers, archers, and silverhelms as a wizard bunker. The...
Frost phoenix. They work wonders against scar-vets (though poison shooting will certainly take them down like everything else) Banner of the...
Bastiladons and stegs have two different jobs. Bastilidons are armored defenders, while stegs are charging combat beasts. I find that you want...
Interesting. Looks like the next book is WoC, DoC, and Beastmen. I'm glad Beastmen are getting some love. My main questions are: 1) what is...
I think you are thinking of this wrong: the new rules allow people to take the characters that they never would have been able to. Almost no one...