Actually.... that's a pretty good idea. It lets them do a full reset on the setting and introduce new armies. Mazdamundi takes the lizards to a...
Very true. I get that they like the Chaos armies, and that is fine. But so far every book has been "Chaos is attacking, and everyone else is...
The judge had it right. The charmed shield works as a shield. The rules state that a shield cannot be used in close combat if the model has a 2...
You can also just let the slann be in the front row. He is already a tough cookie to kill, and that is 3 fewer saurus that will die on a miscast....
Of course not. My point is that against high elves it is common to face a 3+ ward thanks to high magic and Phoenix guard, or face a unit with the...
Unless the elf gets 1high magic spell off, or has the banner of the world dragon. 3+ ward saves are really tough to get around.
At that point level, that sounds like a perfectly good plan. Definitely keep the OB attached to a unit (cold ones or otherwise) until he gets...
Re: I've seen the light. Our premium frog is freaking amazin Edited for punctuation :) Don't want Pinktaco to think that his post wasn't...
Regarding the bastilidon, he's actually doing his job. Remember, you always (well, almost always, depending on channels) have more power dice...
These are all great tips, guys. I wouldn't have thought of charging the scar vet out when it gets chaffed up. That makes eagles a lot less...
As everyone knows, scar vets are amazing. Normally, when I run a bunch of scar vets, I end up putting them in a CO bus. 3 scar vets sit along...
I agree with everything hdctambien said. I think the most important part of making a good battle report is to make it both entertaining and...
There is so much terror involved :) Also, that frog is the best slann ever. If you buy the GW slann, you get an old fat frog. With mine, you...
Chaff it into the dirt while feeding poison shots into it. If he takes the Rune Maw, magic the maneaters, otherwise put as much firepower into...
Wizard staffs are symbols of status. A wizard with a staff looks awesome. As a result, wizards carry them, regardless of whether or not they...
Yeah, the rippers were pretty disappointing. The problem is that trueflight arrows demolish chameleons without trying. They really need the...
What did you use for the orrery? I've been looking to do something for Tetto, and your version looks awesome.
I might be playing a 3000 point game this weekend where I can bring 500 points of allies (which are taken out of the respective point slots, so if...
I use it a lot. I've never had any problems with it. Make sure you are downloading it from their main site at