Hi Fry seems like a fine list, but it could possibly need a tweek here and there first off lets start with the Hero/lords: on the slann i prefer...
well it looks solid... there is not much to comment on, but i have the last couple of days been toying with the idea of a OB with blade of...
Hi Your list looks cool... I think you have found a good theme. I would not change a lot and i have been toying with the same idea... although...
So i just have a question here... when you roll for hits with kroaks spell 2d6 if one of these would be a 1 would this be able to be rerolled??
Hi Eelo first of all im not familiar with the ETC rules but i will give it a try anyway :) and i have not calculated the points o_O so i...
Hi TheSpaniel I also think its a pretty solid list, i ran something similar yesterday (though only 2000 pts) my concern is that you are fielding...
true, i choose not to take a scroll caddy because, except for the scroll, its a waste of points when i have a tolled up slann
that may be true but i have found that the spells that i want to dispel usually is 6 diced (high chance of IF) and therefore will the dispelscroll...
So i have been thinking and i found that i would rater have a little less templeguard (now when i dont have the horde formation) and more coldones...
Ok i see your points and (it was my birthday today) i got 8 saurus on coldones today... so i could skip the spears add 5 more and FC and take the...
I have to go to a tournament next saturday and i think that my list is solid but i cant help but wonder if it could be a little bit better. with...
i took your advice Madrck and since i werent going for any of the nuke spells (mostly wyssans, which i find very good), i decided to drop one...
Madrck That is some excellent points you got there, im just not convinced that my antimagic phase is strong enough, and that is why i bring the...
Hey all... So first post... i have been looking around here for some time, i dont own any lizardmen yet (but i have a Tau army). I do have access...