Kroak related, does anyone have a lead on a file of just his death mask? I have the official model but its missing that part and its my favorite...
I have uploaded a few things to Thingiverse! I uploaded a supported model of Lord Kroak! Just in time for his model to be replaced! Yay! I am...
Guess I should have kept reading. Found them!
Yo guys, long time no see. I have several things to link for you, but does anyone have these models for me?
Your opinion has been duly noted and ignored
Dread Saurian is coming along. I managed to split the body into two pieces, mostly hidden by the decorative plates. Teeth and tongue and spikes...
Dread saurian print is coming along. Got the tail out, gonna have to slice some bits of the head. Going to separate the teeth and tongue to print...
I almost feel like its too badass for the Saurus Knight warscroll lol
Damn that's a pretty concept...I will certainly take notes for when I build my Cold-One proxy
Just came across this randomly on thingiverse, I think it would make a good Carnosaur base. I will try to switch out the hands for claws and fuss...
I really hope they get good, I have ~60 knights
A cold one mount is one my to-do list. But idk about the rider. Not many people use them in-game.
Updated the thingiverse upload for my Skink Handlers Nothing crazy, i just added some jewelry and made...
Solar Engine is "done". I used some of those symbols, thanks for that Unoalazar.
Not quite done with it yet, I’m gonna reprint it using a different method. The skunk crews could be printed but probably better to just use extra...
I will post it when I’ve smoothed out the printing method :) I’ve got a version with printable crystals as well.
[ATTACH] First run of my solar engine finished, I may reprint it eventually for better detail, but behold!
I have yet to print it out, but I finished up the preliminary model for my dread saurian. The body prints as one piece but it *barely* fits on the...
I think it needs the tools from a more mesh-driven modeling program. I’ve not used Rhino, but this has some pretty organic surfaces to try and...
Hey guys, I may need some help here. I’m done sculpting the Dread Saurian, but I am having trouble slicing it up for printing. The programs, or at...