Haha yea the dice scrapping was noticable but I felt that you were pretty relaxed otherwise! Looking forward to more of your stuff :)
Thanks so much for the answer Darren, and like I said it really was a bunch of fun to watch the game! Hope to see more awesome content from you!
I've been watching it on my way to work and on my breaks and so far it's been awesome! Really enjoying getting a look into the thought process...
It looks pretty dope, but you do need to field a unit of skink handlers aswell for the thunderquake, so make it 1 sally and 1 handlers
Thank you alot will definately try that out. I started out by spraying black but have now switched to a white spray and it really helped!
definately think they will. Especially along with some other discounts. Now you just have to find a way to move around 120 skinks on the table lol
U would need to make them 3x40 though since discount is for max size, no? But hopefully point cuts will let you do that for free when counting in...
Wow the new Seraphon stuff sounds soo cool! Finally it will feel like our lizzards are coming down from the stars and not just lumping across the...
Absolutely love the Orange/yellow bright skinks! Do you have any tips on how you get them so vibrant and rich? Whenever I try and go for an orange...
Thanks those are awesome tips. Will try out both and see which one fits the most!
Those are all great tips will try all of these out and report back later with the end result!
Thanks for all the great tips guys. I really do appreciate it. I will try out the white technique abit. The white I used was also abit old so Ive...
Hey guys I wanted to share some pics of my lizardmens and hopefully get some nice tips how to improve as a painter! I am fairly new to painting, I...
Hey guys thanks so much for all the help! I think I will be getting the slann. He is just too cool to pass up on :D! Nice thing with the two lists...
I've come up with a mixed list that I kinda like. What do you guys think? Leaders Skink Chief (60) -General Slann Starmaster (260) Skink Chief...
Thanks for the nice playing tips :)! I agree with that the first list might be too squishy. Do you think the second list will still be fine even...
Yea that's what i thought aswell. What do you think about the slann in the first list? Do you think he is worth it for the spells. I would really...
Hey guys, newcomer here, I am trying to figure out a nice 2000pt army to start building towards. I am really liking the idea of a skink army,...
Have to say these models look absolutely amazing and would love one set of the crocs! Hellas_t@hotmail.com