Well of the things I thought about was bringing a oldblood on a carnosaur and then bringing an unmanned carnosaur and run them together. I also...
It doesn't matter how they try to screw over the LM. They are still one of the top tier armies. Sure ban Cupped Hands. I will just take life.
If you could pick a monster or monsters from the Stormof Magic book and would have to use your rare slots to fulfill this. What monster or...
So coming this June we have a 2 day club challenge. It usually is a big event with like 65 players. This year they have decided to let us choose...
So I am playing in a 3000 point tournament this weekend. One of the guys who gives me the biggest problem is a skaven player. He usually brings 2...
I built 3 Engine of the Gods using a T-Rex, Stegosaurus, and a Brontosaurus from other manufacturers. They actually are my center pieces to my...
So does anyone have any ideas for making a cheap stamp? I am making a from shape small enough to fit on the saurus shields. I am stamping the...
So when we get our new book sometime in 2013. We need to get ourselves a few new things. 1. We need better Engine of The Gods effects. Such as +1...
Well what I have been finding out in tougher tournaments like Ard Boyz. The Lizardmen are a tough army to play with. They just cannot match up...
Slann Mage/ BSB/Power scroll/ Focus of Mystery, Life/Focused Rumination Slann Mage/ Plaque of Tepok/Iron Curse/ Focus of Mystery, Shadow/...
You are wasting points in ancient kroxigors
Is 2 slanns for Ard Boyz a good or bad idea? I was going to run a life slann in a TG unit 20. Then run a second slann of shadow in a block of 20...
Getting you oldblood into bombat with a monster can be quite tough. The abom is a stuborn 8 and the stegadons are stuborn 6, the hydra is also a 6...
How do you think your list could do against a 3 laser cannonand 2 abom skaven list? Or a steamtank and 4 cannons Empire army? I was just curiuos...
I agree about the Sword of Realities. Now that you can reroll your leadership in all cases with a BSB. You will have a hard time actually killing...
I didn't think we could run chiefs on Ancient Stegadons?
I am just having a hard time finding a whole lot of use out terradons in this edition. Maybe I am wrong but they seem to just get charges all the...
Well good luck. I am trying very hard to come up with a very competitive Ard Boyz list for the second round. If you have any great ideas for me I...
The skirimisher rule makes them able to march and still shoot
Chakax is an awsome character I think it should be cheaper to take him. Like 225 for him would be reasonable for him instead of 335.