Let me guess, is it the Ard Boyz Tournament?
Lets just say that salamanders in your army is a "MUST". I have been playing a lot of skaven armies as of late. I usually bring either 2 single...
I just joined the facebook group.
So the next round of Ard Boyz is next week. I know that the Lizardmen can run the table. We have a lot of great units and the best non named...
My big delema right now is making a list for the second round that will be fighty but yet yeild defense. I have been scratching my head a bit on...
What do you mean by much more effective? How?
So this is one of the lists I may face in the Ard Boyz round 2 tourney next Saturday. So what can I do to combat this list????? I do know that it...
Bad Mojo, I was asking why you chose Maz over your standard slann in a block of TG? Also when you take terrodons and they drop rocks onto...
It is a mixed unit with some being monsterous bases. since you cannot stomp monster bases you cannot stomp that unit.
IMHO, Lord Mazdamundi is a crap load of points for a level 4 wizard on a mount that gives you 2+ armour and gives you Ruination of Cities. That...
Well, if you build your army around scenario 1. You may or may not win that scenario. But for surely will lose scenarios 2 and 3. I say a good...
So has anyone seen the first scenario in the sceond round of Ard Boyz. Well I am trying to figure out a good 3000 pt hard hitting list. I was...
Dont concentrate so heavy on scenario 1. If you can get by with a draw it will be good. If you soften your army for scenerio 1 you could lose the...
I would like to paint a unit of black skinks with either yellow or red eyes. I would then like to put a single bright blue or purple stripe down...
Well my first game was against a nasty Empire list that I knew was coming. It was tough since he had 2 stanks, 3 mortars, and a stinkin volley...
My semifinals are going to be down in Salem Oregon
Now that I took second and off to the semifinals next month, what now? I ran a 3 stegadon list with a tooled up slann, Tetto'Eko, and 2...
Yeah I read the book. I thought it was "A" wizard and not "THE" wizard, sorry about that.
About your list, I would keep the slann build the way you have it, the temple guard should have the sun standard. In Ard Boyz people seem to bring...
Now that I have the book in front of me it says the wizard not a wizard and his unit if any. Anyways I gues I cannot give the regen to the EoG's....