You need to read earth of blood again. If I am casting it on my Engine of the gods I can do it. It says to cast it upon the wizard and his unit,...
Anyone thought to run a slann , an Engine, and 2 or 3 stegadons along with 2 blocks of descent size saurus and a good size block of temple guard?...
Why would you bring Lord Kroak?????
So can a unit of temple guard with a Slann get stomped on of any kind? Or does the unit benefit from the mixed unit amunity. The Slann has a...
So I am looking for a solid 1250 point list for a tournament. Any ideas on one that has worked for you guys in the past. I usually only play 2250...
First off your list looked solid. You should have taken life over light with the empire. The reasoning behind that is that they put out a lot of...
You know you can also beef up the unit by putting in a skink chief. I mean I can buff him up to be as strong and as durable as a scar vet. I mean...
So I was thinking of putting either one giant unit of skink cohorts w/2 or 3 kroxies in it or 2 smaller ones with 1 or 2 kroxies in it. They are...
Re: Something Big this way comes....A Thunder Lizard Seige Tower Its looks very similar to the Star Wars Dewback.. I had bought one thinking of...
So just a question???? I have yet to play the Orcs since they got there new book. Has anyone played them and how do they stand against us. What...
I am currently working on a unit filler piece for one of my saurus blocks. I don't have picks yet, but when I get some taken I will share them...
Chakax doe have a great weapon but also has the strikes first ability even if your oponent has the same ability.
Thanks. I am using that flying little skink priest as a deverter. I know he isn't big and cheesy but he still has a bit of a bite to him. Why...
I guess one of the questions I was going to ask . What should I run the Saurus in 6X5 or 5X6?
So our local club is puttiing on their end of the year tournament. It is isn't a big point tournament with only 1250 pts. So here is my go at what...
Why not just go and get the Ruby Ring of Ruin. Yes I know its a bound spell, and yes I know its not as strong as the thunderbolt. But you can use...
So I am playing in a local club tournament. The points are 1250. I am wondering which route to go when building this list. I know that saurus...
So if you want to make your Engine a bit more tougher. Like it isn't tough enough. Take you skink priest to level 2. He becomes of level 3 for...
I for one would much rather take life and light before beasts. It just limits our abilities, and in my humble opinion I believe that we are supose...
Lets face it. Everytime I play my lizardmen people are always looking for a reason to debuff our beloved slann. I understand that alot of people...