Yes I agree, shields are too over the top, but the poses just dont work. The design reminds me of the carnosaur rider.
About the saurus warriors, If you pay attention to the design, it tells the whole story really... Oversized, overly dynamic poses and most...
These saurus will not be sold for TOW, they will probably make a separate line or continue producing the 6th edition ones.
Hi, I don't know if this will interest anyone, but just incase I will update with how it went and how I approached my conversion (with pictures...
My take: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Based on Itepixcauh's model
They stated that they want the game to be playable with old WHF armies that people already have so..
Trying to avoid that hehe. Im thinking some conversion with drum and stick, but Im bad with greenstuff so not sure.
So I am going to start a unit of ranked skinks with javelin and I was wondering how to best convert the musician to make it look as seamless as...
What do you people think about what the scale will be? Do you think they will keep 28mm or creep up to 32mm like AOS seems to be doing?
They look decent to me. The problem I see with replacing them with 3rd party or DE ones is that they look out of place and don't really fit the...
I never understood the need to put down and discontinue selling army books, miniatures etc from WHF, even if they decide to create a new game....
Thanks a lot for the feedback guys. I really liked all the ideas. The bolt throwers make sense to me. Im not thinking about the faction so much...
Hi. Sure man why not! For lizardmen I plan to have at least 1 unit of everything and more on some. Currently painted: -20x saurus warriors...
Hey. Just checked the thread. I'm not playing at all as I am still painting the main lizardmen army. I plan to eventually start playing and the...
Hi guys thanks for the responses. Yes the plan is go full square bases. 7th/8th edition / TOW. It's a shame there's not a similar community such...
Hi guys. So I will be starting a new druchii army in a few months and I was trying to look for a similar community to this to look for painting...
They look sick man. Inspirational. Just got my box 2 days ago, will go through it after my Slann. How did you do the terradon wings? how did you...
You need more temple guard
Shorter, about a mm yes. Enough to be noticeable...
Ok so for those interested I ordered square bases from two different sources: -The best option is obviously to get Citadel square bases, as they...