Ok so the link to the meshes is gone but if you want the dread saurian mesh I can post it.
So I've been learning zbrush to update the line since gw doesn't seem to care and ripped some assets from TWW2 this is my progress so far[ATTACH]...
So I was working with the rules they showed to see what things I could do and I came upon a question, the fangs of sotek add 3 to movement in the...
I've seen speculation that in lieu of endless spells slann might get more spells per turn or able to cast other faction's spells but that's all...
Where it say the slann have other tricks up their sleeves
GW already said we aren't getting endless spells.
So as I've stated before, the new blood bowl sculpts would be a indicator that there are new minis on the way.
Warhammer community releases it new stuff at around 10 am central.
I suspect there are new saurus models coming, as to when I couldn't say,but the reason behind that is they made a new sculpt for blood bowl and it...
Looking at these two side by side I am pretty optimistic that we will see some new minis[IMG] [IMG]
They said at the end of the seraphon part that more previews are coming, what that are we don't know yet,but still very hopeful.
Well the terrain piece came out of nowhere and had no rumor engine attached to it and GW said that more previews are coming soon so maybe new line.
"You won’t have long to wait until this new Seraphon battletome and scenery hits shelves – keep an eye out for more previews soon." [IMG]
I am willing to bet dollar to donuts that tail is gonna be on a elf unit
I play nids since 3rd I have suffered through the dark times of 5th-7th and have my Raven Guard.
The announcement of another elf army has really just made me want to drop AoS altogether, I keep hoping that something, anything get announced for...
All the woman that I know that are in the hobby play tyranids,orks or dark eldar.I know lots of guys that bought the sisters box but don't...
Just messing with the blood bowl sculpt I can tell you it would be really easy for them to make dual kits just based on the way the new heads are,...