I am more of a mind that you shouldn't blame the gun factory but the user for shooting at somebody/something. Say, a more responsible use of the...
Sure, but "that's why we can't have nice things". Perhaps with a restriction on summoning certain units the thing can be contained. Anyway, it was...
Sad to see this, breaking the game that quickly so our units might be nerfed in the next few weeks. At least I didn't buy any extra models yet.
Boltspitters and Shields. Great harrassing unit, if they start doing damage, they for sure will attract enemy fire. Which is one of the reasons...
The thing is, TLJ or any other bad movie cannot be judged as good only by having "some nice bits". That movie is bad because of the story, the...
They did destroy the fluff with TLJ, I dunno how are they going to fix it, IF they can fix that mess. But yeah, they deserve the fan base's hate.
I agree. TLJ has all the blame here. And Solo is a very good movie not only story wise but also technically speaking. Ron Howard is a great...
I love the original trilogy and prequels. Special mention to Rogue 1 and Solo which are really entertaining and add something to the universe....
I like them, at least is a fresh approach to the old models. i sure am going to pick up a couple, I can use them for my Lizardmen Bloodbowl team...
Is this another leak?
My thoughts exactly. I'm hoping they release some new Razordon and Salamander models. I've been holding back until now because I find the original...
FWIW there's a croudfunding coming by Lost Kingdom Miniatures with a full line of "Lizardmen" including new Kroxigor models. Dunno if there's...
Me too, there's something bad going on with Nagash's magic that also affects the Slann. But not for long I hope.
I really hope we get a new battletome with more lore than "battlereports" as we have now. Anyways, thanks for sharing, really is refreshing to see...
Skinks are the best. Specially the chubby ones... :p
Yes our Slaan are bloated skinks ATM. They are supposed to be powerful wizards. I hope we get them in the next iteration.. In the meantime I'm...
That sounds great! i would like to attend but since I live on the other side of the world, it is a bit expensive to be there..
I reckon the best place to get some rumours on Seraphon would be Warhammer Fest on may. If any of our fellow forumites is attending he/she can...
I would rule out the Golem idea since it's just too similar to Wolds in Horde's Circle of Orboros, and GW would't want that for sure. What I...
I think we need a model redo on Salamanders and Razordons (really old models that are too cartoonish compared to our newest dinos), Cold one Cav,...