To be honest with you I don't think you can collect LM ever again. It seems to me that you have fallen head over heels for the old 5th edition...
You shouldn't have the Sword of Anti-heroes on your second Scar-Vet if you plan to use the Venom...
I think you should try upgrading to an Oldblood, try this kit out; Great Weapon, VotFF, Cold One, Armour of Destiny, Dawnstone. He is one of the...
Here are some tips which have helped me out (strategically) 1. Your Slann is amazing, he can seriously dominate virtually any magic phase if you...
If you take a lone Cowbot Scar-Vet make sure you give him Crown of Command
You may want to consider a Great Weapon with the VotFF. It makes your opponents Armor save a 5+ at best, negates it most of the time, and you...
Your army looks great! I really like the look you got going on with them. On the Saurus hero, if you use Lore of Light with your Slann and you...
Re: Next AOW lizardman Could maybe post a pic of him next to a GW Saurus or Kroxigor for size comparison? I like the Weapon quite a lot. I was...
On the Oldblood I'd go with a Cold One instead of a Carnosaur and I would give him GW, Armour of Destiny, Dawnstone, Crown of Command. With CoC...
I am interested to hear what some of your predictions on what the 8th edition book may hold... 1. Salamanders won't be so nuts, or Razordon will...
Re: Next AOW lizardman Lord Kroak looks stunning. Any news on the weapon? I'm still very curious. A few options would be cool too kinda like...
If you put two (or even 3? )Salamanders in each unit, would that solve the problem of multi-wound enemies?
Re: Next AOW lizardman I think the rope looks fine as it is. Is it possible to see some concepts for the weapon? I'm really curious :D
Defenitly take ruby ring as it has a low casting value so you can probably cast it every phase and most opponents won't bother dispelling and if...
1. what is the best kit for a stegadon? 2. Is it true that two stegadons are better than one? 3. If so, what would be the kit-out for the second...
I would defenitly go for a Great Weapon on a Scar-Vet. With low I, they will strike last most of the time anyway and S7 is honestly more useful...
I would be tempted to go with Omar with this one, but my one fear is the low ld which our characters have at this points level. If you can I...
It also can depend on your opponent. I have found that lore of Life is extremely effective against low str opponents like high elves, dark elves,...
Those are some impressive paintjobs, I am very envious. And a good idea, too.
Re: Next AOW lizardman How about something more primitive? A big obsidian club could not possibly violate GW IP. Especially froma sculpting POW...