Excellent job! What colors/paints, did you use for the red/brown?
I wonder how Slann lords will work with magic, since in the TT they get access to all lores of magic. Maybe have them always have access to "High"...
@protector I see the master list on pg 1 hasnt been updated since Oct 2016. Anyway you can update it again? I just want to make sure Im on the list
I bought 1 stegadon, casted it and made 2 copies. I also bought the carnosaur, casted it and made a troglodon. I have also casted alot if space...
Awesome work! I ordered the Krox over abyearvago and they are fantastic. I havent been on this forum for months so I decided to pop my head in,...
Hey Guys! Long time no see! Seriously, its been a year and a half since I was last on this forum, but in that year I was able to graduate college...
Got my dice! Thanks a bunch!
Oh i saw that. But he did say he was hoping to hear from them soon And its been a whole week since then. Things can change in a week.
I dont think asking for updates and only getting "pacience" as a reply isnt very nice. Im fine waiting another 2 months, i just want to know what...
Any updates?
Added some more dice to my order
Added egg heads to my post
Death Mask, Jade---12 Snake Eye, Borealis----12 Comet, Black/red----1 Artillery die, jade----1 Egg head, gemini green/purple---6 Wound marker,...
Either t5 or 3+ armr save
I was going for a very fast list. Like just skrimishers, cowboys, and lots of cold ones and rippers, maybe a carno...
What is the interaction with poison and killing blow? If you roll a 6 to hit does that mean it auto wounds and is killing blow? Cuz I was...
Would they be better if they were WS4 or does that not matter? My only wish for saurus warriors is WS4 and WS5 for TG
Im no expert, but i always go high magic, and then switch around. And i rarely miscast because pretty much all high magic spells only need 2 or 3 dice