So I got me a bastiladon for christmas, and Ive painted it pretty well. But for the life of me I cant paint the crystal on the solar engine to...
I dont know how to use the basic grass stuff, but I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up some little bushes that look great next to my dinos. For...
Oh my goodness! I wish I had logged on here a few weeks ago.... I have been looking for krox substitutes for ages, and then I saw this topic. Its...
The last list I ran was 2750 against skaven. It was somehting like this: I dont have my book so I dont know points.... Slann channel 3 dice...
How much core choice do you take percentage wise? I started playing LM a few months ago and take more than 25% core. I guess I can expand this...
Any idea on a date that we will order these?
I will pay any decent amount of money for a set of those! How much did they go for last time?
This should be put into the tactica index if it isnt already (I havnt seen it). Im a new LM player and this thread here helped me to understand...
Hey there all y'all, Im a 40k vet, and just barely got my 3rd WFB game under my belt on saturday. But a question I have is if you can charge on...
Any new pics for this one? Nice job.
Playing a 4000 point game agaisnt dwarves and WOC. Their first turn the dwarf player takes out my reg stegaddon with a cannon. On my turn the...
Hey y'all, Ive been googling around quite a bit looking for alternative models for salamanders/razordons, and so far its mostly been fruitless. I...
So a quick google search tells me that its a gloss thing that I should be able to get at home depot or any hardware store, yeah? But it looks like...
So due to the aquatic rule I wanted to make my own terrain of swamps and rivers and stuff, and I wanted to go all out doing so. So I bought some...
Darn, I was hoping to take advantage of his great BS......curse you GW and your lousy FAQs!!!!
Quick question, If a skink chief is mounted on a stegadon with the giant bow. Can he shoot the bow at his much better BS than the regular skink...
sweet, thanks!
Hey ya'll, Ive been looking at these forums for a while. Just bought two battalion boxes last week and played my first game on saturday. Im loving...