But... But... SPACE MAGIC..... Yeah, psychic is nowhere near as good. But, 40k has lasers, so I'm good.
Huh. Okay. I thought 40k had more strategy due to a wider range of troops and it's more about the objective, but, Fantasy takes the cake for a...
But their blue awesomeness mixed with the awesomeness of their hats look over that fact. Too much awesome
Their hats rule all
My guess is the rest of the bacon pies
i only have 40k tau, but a friend of mine has a large lizardmen army. I was wondering if people who had both, which one do you prefer? I find 40k...
Blue people are Lizardman. Lizardmen are blue. Tau are blue. Are they not both for he greater good? Blue is the colour of awesome. Blue. BLUE IS...
I can only see blue, so that would be nice. No... Do not pull pranks... Please
I think I failed to deliver my message properly
NOOO, YOU.... IT CANNOT BE... THE (second) ULTIMATE HEATHEN. You have succumbed, I would feel pity. But that was boring so I just laughed instead....
Of course it's an Austrelevanator. :eek:
Can't you see? It's them, working their evil. Although they do taste pretty goo- NO, I CANNOT GIVE IN
Have you ever looked at a pie and gone, "Hey, that pie looks evil!"? If you have, props to you, if you haven't, then their inter-dimensional magic...
i like blue people.... Lizard men are blue. And I'm being pressured to join.... Tau are also blue. Therefore, I have a tau army. Plz don't kill me.