There’s debate because warscroll rules override core rules, implying that it is possible to save on 1s with a Bastiladon with its 1+ save. Some...
Take a look at this thread, but generally you’ll want clubs for groups of 10-20 and spears on groups of 30-40. As for knights, clubs do more in...
You can never go wrong with start collecting boxes, as they’ll give you the most value per dollar (or pound, euro, etc). Expanding upon it with...
If you preordered it to your local store, they will have it release day. My local GW store said they’d have my order waiting for me release day....
There was discussion about this earlier, and the consensus was that, because it is a removal from the board when garrisoning, not a move, kroak on...
I was thinking about how to make an invincible Kroak for fun, so I did. Here’s what you’ll need: Kroak Astrolith bearer Starpriest Starseer Saurus...
Nice stars on the moonhammer! He's looking real good.
I'm sure that people will post the exact dimensions when they become available, but until then I think only the people at GW know the actual size...
If that was truly their intention, there are some armies that rely almost entirely on no rend damage spam to kill everything, so the basti might...
And he gets an extra spell and better spells, so I'd just take him.
And they got more attacks without the old d6 damage, which makes them more consistent than the razordons. Might have to convert my razordons into...
Ah, yes, 4 attacks. I made the changes. Even more in favour of the salamanders
Not sure if someone did this before, but I was wondering whether Razordons or Salamanders would be better in the new Battletome, so I did the...
That’s unfortunate. Summoning skinks with an EOTG is a great tactic for us right now, so it’ll be a shame if we loose it. They only gave one of...
Nice models! I like the blends in those feathers, they look really clean. Keep up the good work!
Green stuff sticks to itself much better than milliput and stretches unlike milliput, but it is also much harder to keep an edge with. It is...
Very nice pose on that Saurus Guard. He looks like he’s just daring someone to come and fight him. The STD dino conversion looks great as well. I...
Well there is always this guide if you need ideas. The folks who made it are far more experienced than I.
What models do you have to work with?
Unfortunately I don't have a Slann. I have quite a few other models to paint up, and I promised myself I wouldn't buy anymore without finishing...