While we're the most outdated and probably the worst overall, we have proof that we can do well with specific builds and good tactics. I'm still...
I think it's to prevent people playing those dumb skink handler spam lists that set up so many tiny units that you can't actually move anywhere....
It's not very competitive, and there's a lot of SCE, Nighthaunt, Khorne, and Sylvaneth. There will be at least one Daemons of Khorne player, but...
I’ve got an escalation league at 750 points, and I’ve got a list selected, but I’m not sure what spells, traits, and artefacts to give the heroes....
Kharadron overlords were mentioned in the Cities of Sigmar reveal, so I don’t think they’ll get their own Battletome, at least for a long time.
You might want to swap out the priest for a Starpriest for the extra damage on the jaws with serpent staff and you can make him the general to...
It’s probably going to destruction (gutbusters, ironjaws, BCR?) or death, since they have the least number of recent Battletomes. Still holding...
The spell you pick is an extra one you know, not an extra slot to cast. Instead of knowing mystic shield, arcane bolt, and light of the heavens,...
Or you can see this list by @LizardWizard for another alternative. Pretty similar though.
Do you always recommend Doppelganger Cloak on carnosaurs or do you use other artifacts from time to time?
For the carnosaur, I would advise also magnetizing it as it can be switched between the two variants without changing the points in your list. The...
You may want to put gryph-feather charm on your Slaan instead of using blade of realities, as your opponent will likely target your Slaan. If...
If I’m not mistaken the realm rules are in the big core rule book and the realm artefacts and such are in malign sorcery. You can probably find...
I've been building up a small Seraphon army with just start collecting boxes and some skinks, but I was thinking that I should probably get a...