I heard they were really good in 7th edition
Skrox are too slow at hitting and are mullered within 5 seconds of combat
I know what you mean!
That's what I'm talking about!
Stegosaurus has been my favourite since... Forever!
High five Nithbringer, Star Wars is the best thing that happened to the human race!
Thanks for answering!
Excactly what I thought!
pawns control the chessboard. skinks are the pawns of warhammer, therefore, have a lot of skinks.
I quite like miniwargaming
I heard that Age of Sigmar is created for smaller battles/skirmishes as people were complaining about long battles. Is this true? because then I...
I am a brat who can't be bothered to buy the lizardmen army book. I have found all the abilities on the internet, but can't find the 8th edition...
I wish lizardmen were in total war