Just need to finish the base and I think I’m done with my Sunblood kitbash.
Currently testing to see What kind of copper effect I’m able to achieve. If I land on this I will use it for all metal except blades. Thoughts?
I’m currently working on a copper tone with purple shade for all decorative metal parts. Will post photos when I’m happy with the tests.
Kind of forgot to update this. Currently speed painting my 80 Saurus.
Feedback: Something seems to be missing from this artifact; "Gryph-feather Charm (Ghur): In addition, add 1" to the bearer’s Move...
The rend rules are missing from the Sunclaw battalion :)
As far as I can see there has been no change in regards to what's Webstore Exclusive and what's not in the last year or so. SC, Starpriest,...
Sunclaw gives -1 Rend. Very usefull tool you've made. Thanks :)
Said every Tomb Kings player, ever...
Blood Bowl
Found one more error in Ironjawz. Gore grunt as have a wound characteristic of 5. It says 2 on the cards.
Choose «Poster» on the print screen in Adobe.
Wound count on Gordrakk Fist of Gork is wrong. Says 14 on the card but is 15 in the app :)
I would say 2 wounds are better than any mortal wound save. With 2 wounds per model you only loose 1 model to D3 MW where as with 1 wound you...
Works fine if I search for it on google and enter from there. Last post was 30 min ago.
I'm happy for my friends who play Slaanesh... But I'm bummed for us :(
That story was released 1 year ago though.. How relevant could it be?
I’m trying to learn from my mistakes and get out of my WHFB “rank’n’file” thoughts. Played against DC, which should be a cake walk, but I’ve never...
5/5/5 Eternal Starhost ? Not a lot of mW resilience though.
Mainly Free Peoples with lots of artillery, Darkling Covens with Executioners spam, Slaves to Darkness with loads and loads of Chosen and Karadron...