I totally agree with that. Though that would mean Guards require change as well. Since they already have -1 rend etc. But forcing you to take a...
Yes they are indeed expensive fodder, but they're tax fodded in the sunclaw. I get that in the ultra competitive tournament world out there...
I'm only playing Sunclaw this year and I'm testing out different ways to run it. The 40 man unit has so far slaughtered anything in it's way and...
In regards to question 2, no models are to be removed until the end of the attack sequence as far as I know. So you will get to use all your...
Seraphon is one of the weaker ones. But we’re good at the objective game.
Objectives and battleplans are 90% of the fun in my opinion. I can't win a single match in straight up "deathmatch", but with objectives you can...
Hmm. I was hopeing that the wording on the warscroll would tip in my favour there :P
Valid points there. Question about the Trog though. If it wounds with the spit but the opponent saves all wounds, can you still add 3" to charge?
But why summon a Trog when you can get a EotG for the same amount? :P
That looks really promising. I'll give it a crack for sure. Thanks.
I have all the original parts. Poster putty is where I failed previously it seems. Makes sense to use something sticky that won't dry hard over a...
Interested in how you made the stands. I can't get the ones that came with the kit to keep the models in position without gluing them to the...
Did a kitbash of leftover parts from one of the 3 carno kits plus some greenstuff to make a Sunblood. The shield will be the Oldblood Carno...
After attacks, roll a 4+ and attack again. After that you can attack again on a 6+. Warscroll ability.
Thank you! I’ll try that. Just need to get that horrific Retributor gold off first :/
You mean Knight-Azyros? Had to look him up. 100pts and better buff then Oldblood. Annoying really..
Thanks for all the kind words. It’s actually the Cold One scheme from the front of the SC box:wacky:. And the yellow is from the 5th edition...
On the flesh I used Rakarth Flesh, then shaded with Athonian Camoshade and drybrushed with Krieg Khaki :)
My first painted mini in 16 years. Just testing my thoughts on the color scheme. Never done edge-highlights before. Also looking for suggestions...
Thanks for the suggestions. I can add that all CO and riders are magnetized so that should not be a problem during painting. The skink is just...