That makes sense. So then the next question. Why even have the Lizardmen warscrolls at all? I can't see any use for them if you can't use them in...
Is this legal? Can I use warscrolls from Lizardmen in a Seraphon army with Seraphon allegiance?
Points wise we run 500 and 1000 pts games. Mostly Matched with some house rules, but nothing that's a deal breaker for a Seraphon army. Slann,...
Does anyone have any experience fighting Darkling Covens. One of my main opponents have started building a Darkling Covens army and I'm trying to...
Hi, I could really use some help with what colors to buy and what to use for spray-primer. I think I have a rough idea in my head about how I...
This is pretty much exactly what I've been looking into doing myself. Looking forward to see the progress !
Chineforge? As in an actual knock-off or just something similar?
Oh snap, there it is indeed! Not exactly where I normally find it in forums.
Thank you
Is there a function on this board that makes it possible to mark all threads as "Read" without me clicking on each of them? Makes it easier to see...
Don't get your hopes up. As I stated above, I've never actually modeled anything before. But I'll keep you guys posted non the less. I'm usually a...
Thanks! Hopefully I will have some results based on this information within the next year.
Yeah I know, but we don't have any GW stores or events where I live. Just a few mates playing casual games. Oh and don't get to excited. I've been...
Fantastic! Thank you. This will help trying to build stuff from the ground up rather then spending the cash on the actual models.
Can anyone supply me with length and height measurements for the following models; Troglodon Stegadon Carnosaur Bastiladon Dread Saurian
Does anyone have the Warhammer Lizardmen Collectors Guide 2005 that I can download? Not that keen on subscribing to scribed to get it. Also: Long...