Here's my simple (if a bit shoddy) conversion attempt: Finished article: [attach]
Apologies for the mass posting :rage:
Oops ... I missed out my Camo Skinks. TyPical. Even the jpg hides itself. I'd started to become a bit bored with painting blue and brown and...
Last but not least Charlie the Carnosaur. I haven't started painting the rider yet but I'm really pleased with it. I was quite brave choosing...
Here's a photo of 1 of my 2 new Scar Vets. This guy really started to hurt my eyes during painting. I don't have a photo of my other scar-vet...
OK ... so how about a bit of light relief. "Catching those bloat toads is hard work!!! *Ribbet*" [attach] Additional captions/Comments...
In the last post you might have noticed 1 of my unit fillers. I've made a couple of these from resin components from a website called Base X of...
My next project was my second unit of Saurus warriors. I've painted over 50 of these guys and it has been a lesson in patience. Either way I'm...
I think in my last post (6 months a go) there was 1 or 2 incomplete photos of the new Skink priest model that I was painting. Well he's done...
Ok here's what you're really interested in. The models themselves. Meet Basil the Bastilodon. Most of these photos don't show the painted...
Before I start posting photos of my individual models, a buddy and I went to Battle Brothers at Warhammer World last May and had a great time....
Hello everyone, It's been a massive 6 months since I last updated my plog and despite thinking "I'll just finish painting X and i'll update my...
Great question. I've been surprised by the Trog lovin'. I might be tempted to give it a go because the model is just brilliant. My favourite...
@SilverFaith Hi, 'Re-rolls to hit' appeared to be a not insignificant attribute that was missing from your discussion re: Rips and WRs. If it...
Rips also get to re-roll hits when attacking a unit with bloat toad. I'm not sure WRs do. This helps mitigate the lower WS to certain extent....
I'd second most of the advice given especially regarding javs and the extra range. Unfortunately the bolas look so cool and I really like the...
@Scalenex - A North American themed Dark Elf army would be AMAZING! The cauldron of blood could be full of maple syrup! :D
I suspect if they could go back and start again they'd do something different but it's been successful and they've had to build on what's gone...
As it's been said by previous posters High Elves seem to be the most logical ally based on the fluff and their mutual 'macro care taking' role in...
Inspiring stuff!!