Well, after my last prediction went nowhere but in my face, I'm going to be a bit more conservative on specifics but I do feel these things might...
House Baggins for me. Always go with the sneaky thieves with the long bottom leaf. I hear with one pipeful, the trees start talking to you. :p
Love that Razordon. Much better than the GW pewter model. :)
I wouldn't say I'm bothered by the idea of a romance in the show, but so many films and shows go down that route that I don't think Gendry would...
Transports, while a nice idea with the right Dinosaur like a Sauropod, feels fairly redundant when we already have an army where every unit...
Seen every episode so far this season and I'm loving every minute of it! Going into the last few episodes, I'm very excited to see Jack and Aku...
Heath Ledger is my favourite from the live action movies. Jack is a close second but he really just seemed to be playing within his comfort zone,...
Samurai Jack fighting with no clothes in the middle of winter. Hope it turns out better for him than what happened to the other Jack,,, [img]
My local store sold out of them within two hours of release so I never even knew they came out. They look awesome!!
Personally, I would't be surprised if Seraphon get an updated Battletome after the release of General's Handbook 2.0. There are so many other...
Episode 2 of Season 5 premiered, any thoughts on the "new" Aku? [img]
Ditto here. I always hoped Forgeworld would have taken up the idea to make a cold, but instead we have the Dread Saurian which i guess is a...
Thanks for the pic, Nightbringer. He's now my new wallpaper on my desktop :)
Which is a same that he's gone fluff wise. I'd highly recommend finding the model to use as a Starpriest substitute, as the model looks great and...
I might consider it, since I do love pterosaurs too. Here's my favourite Pterosaur: Tropeognathus, gotta love that beak crest. [img]
I also use Skinks with Clubs and Blowpipes, mostly due to the shield not really mitigating much damage in most games. I prefer to run a mob of 30...
No worries, I was thinking originally for the Therizinosaurus as a Dinosaur Giant equivalent. I think I said Golem due to most being of larger...
I always thought If we ever would have a Golem/Giant equivalent for Lizardmen, It would be based on this dinosaur called Therizinosaurus [img]
(After watching Season 5 Episode 1) :jawdrop: I completely agree. It was a powerful introduction to a darker storyline and a very different Jack...