I wouldn't be surprised if the tongue waving was slightly inspired from the old Tyrannic art from 40K. Mainly this image. [img]
I've alway though a good idea for this would be skinks with short bows (much like old 5th edition skinks), riding on an ornithopod dinosaur, like...
That trailer has gotten me super excited. The season premiere is now officially my early birthday present from Adult Swim and Mr. Gendry. Thank...
Many thanks for you and Woogity's hard work!! I'm definitely looking forward to the gorgeous models :)
Thanks for the link, Pinktaco. Just voted in the nick of time :)
Here's a list I'm taking to a small tournament within a week or so, any feedback or suggestions are welcome. :) Horde: 40 Salamander Primes with...
After finishing Salamanders, the only other army I'd like to try is Basileans. The models look good and I'd like to have the panther cavalry to paint.
I've mostly been using Hunters so far in my games and they are very flexible to use in games, but if they get hit by anything more than a stiff...
Sadly no, but this time it was because the only unit that got routed was out of his Inspiring range and that most of my army took damage but never...
Got a second game in over the weekend with my list, this time it was against dwarves with a Pillage mission Victory went to the Salamanders again...
Ditto here :p
Indeed. I thought it was a well-earned victory especially after the brief takeover our temples suffered from the rat folk. Also, I did remember...
The match was played last night against the infamous Rat-Kin! The mission was Loot! and i'm proud to report that the Rat-Kin failed to secure a...
So far in my group, people haven't been as strict about the monster size bases due to the difficulty of finding 50x50 bases easily but future...
So when is this story set in the SW continuity?
Interesting suggestions form both of you. I have thought about inspiring but I simply wanted a mage with spells in my first games just to see how...
I don't know honestly. I tried to make it a "take all comers" list but i know that Elves is a likely foe
Awesome site. This really helps with the list building. :)
Here is my first Salamander list that I'm going to be trying out in a few days. Any feedback would be great! :) Horde: 40 Salamander Primes =...
Its in a pdf document for the rulebook, not in the original book. the pdf can be found on the Mantic site with its other free army lists. it is on...