If you read the F.A.Q. document on pages 10, that explains the minimum model count and preffered model count better.
I was just curious about the concept of multibasing large units of models for the Kings of War game. Is it good only for artistic purposes (making...
Glad to hear you got your game in. I would seriously consider putting your Ankylodon in the centre of your army and have your tyrant hordes and...
I actually like how Mantic has made two versions of their rulebook to sell publicly, its a bit like Warhammer where one is rules + fluff and the...
Glad to see we have driven the foul ratmen from our jungles and temples. The Old Ones are most pleased!
Honestly, I always thought it would be these fur-things who would take over. [img]
It's an April Fools Day treat...and a pretty clever one done by the site, I was just as surprised by it too :p
In regards to the takeover by the under-empire, it's not exactly a good omen for my game tonight against my buddy's Skaven army. I feel a "slave...
I agree that the kits are great. However, I prefer the model design for the Troglodon much more than the carnosaur...I just find the head to be...
Thanks Itepixcauh! This helps a great deal. I have enough models for one of each and with this break down, I have an idea in how to use them both...
Agreed, I replaced all the old pewter Terradon models with them when they came out. I even like how they even modeled the rock that Terradons...
The Slaan works for the Komodon. Just feels strange to use the model that way after what it used to do in 8th ed. If we had a Lord Kroak model,...
Good to know. I won't alter the bases on my models as of yet simply because i wish to use the models for multiple game systems but that's good to...
Nice conversion list. Not far off from what I had written for my units. The only difference in mine was I figured using the Salamander (rare)...
From my meager experience with KoW lists, I'd say List 3 is the best. It seems well rounded and flexible enough for all scenarios that could be...
I'd like the idea of a chat bar on the bottom of the page. Hope it happens!
I've done something similar with the units I do have built and painted, so it will be nice to compare them when you are finished. :)
Awesome. Thanks for the link! :)
From the lizardmen range: Troglodon, because it looks very close to the dinosaur Spinosaurus its based on. Overall favorite model: Plastic Black...
I have recently been told by a friend of mine about Kings Of War and it seems to be an interesting game. He told me how you can have "horde" sized...