Makes sense to me. Even if I don't play, they should be called what they are by that system (so long as 9th Age gets that treatment eventually!).
Welcome to the board. Looking forward to hearing/seeing your new army grow :)
That's good to know, I was thinking about getting a piece or two cause of the designs (especially the archway with the dragon on it), but if its...
The Beast Herds army might be considered "scary" with its ambush tactics, but it is also an tactic that for several editions like 6th and 5th was...
I'm in contact with Tiny on 9th Age about it and he's been kind enough to mention our need for extra hands in the last news article about the...
Well, this makes the lexicon work more interesting. Either updates are going to slow down or I'll need more hands to help with it since 900+...
I beleive that is the idea :D
Let's see: pay the rent, or buy the model....hmmm, decisions :shifty:
Love the artwork! Can't wait for the Tomb Kings (a.k.a. Undying Dynasties) book to be released. :)
My girlfriend recently introduced me to Samurai Jack and I'm now a big fan of that show. Has great animation, some pretty funny episodes, and love...
I voted for real dinosaur names because they are easier to remember than invented names, especially if they make no sense. Honestly, Stegadon...
No Slaanesh head on mount = not interested. I'm tired of Khorne and Nurgle getting all the spotlight these last 13 months when it comes to...
I play 40K as well, but no other Fantasy games. I don't tend to get much time to game now either way with working on the Lexicon for 9th Age, but...
At least in the US, there is a build-up of support for it. I'm in Canada and no one seems to have heard of 9th Age, and when I try to tell them...
:hilarious: Twerking Saurus, Now that could be an interesting conversion idea!
I'm keeping my Gro-Rok painted as he is: Albino and dripping in blood! He looks really good with my Saurus Warriors that way.
That's sooner than I thought. I was originally thinking March of next year.
True, Hunger Games simply wasn't hungry enough, compared to the hunger needed to make The Force Awaken :p
I'm trying to get some people interested in it but most are playing 40K in my region. I'm incredibly pleased with how 9th Age is turning out for...
My question is can other Cold One Rider models fit on that Cold One?