Thats what he said the first time I asked him! He literally said pure knights. Then I spoke to him today and he told me his actual list. I'm off...
I pretty much agree with everything you've said :)
Honestly with the way GW are I'd be shocked if all three Elvish factions survive completely/the way we know them! I've just read several posts...
I'm eagerly waiting to see what they do with both the free people and Aelfs. They are the two factions I am most looking forward to. It'll be...
I saw that thank you!
Oh just a random question, does anyone have any idea of GW's schedule for AoS 2016 releases? I really can't wait to see what happens to all the...
Well as I've never actually played a game I have no idea whats strong and whats weak. I have no idea what goes well with what. So far these are...
While I do agree with both of you guys the sole reason I play warhammer (as I stated in my post before) is because I have a genuine love for the...
Ok next time I'm at my GW I want to start my collection. Like you said when you answered my questions I'm going to start with core infantry. Guard...
Thank you so much for this detailed response. After reading some other posts you've made in different threads I've decided I'm going to go for a...
@Jamie Searle No worries dude! I'm just here to learn.
Ok these are the questions I have off the top of my head. 1) I like to be competitive and love winning. However, I actually really love Warhammer...
I have loads of questions, but they are probably really noobish and silly. I don't want irritate anyone by asking too many questions.
Oh ok I was not aware of that! Thank you for all your help so far.
Thank you so much for doing this! In the defensive army do you run the Temple Guard in two units of 20?
That would be a real help! Both a fairly competitive offensive and defensive 125 wound list would really help me. I Honestly have no idea which...
Although I said I'd prefer an offensive army. Just out of curiosity what would a defensive army look like? Is it mainly a lot of guard, Lord Kroak...
You make a very good point!
The only issue I have with that is (am I right in thinking) it would give me next to no shooting? However, is shooting a necessary part of the army?