No those are weaknesses I have indeed considered. Tbh, the rule of ones is why I expect not see too many casters, Also remember, the temple guard...
TBH just sit on top of balewind, it is like a beautiful saga of unlimited power, Kroak on a Balewind is one of the most game breaking combos...
Well it does depend on how he deploys them. IF he goes with 2 big 40 man units, he will be a pain, but that said, those big 40 man units will...
There is also an implicit bet tbh, I am betting I will be seeing many small units/monsters. As it stands, my Saurus Guards are held in reserve...
Bowser, Kroak should be almost unkillable in this list. Consider +1 save from Balewind, +mystic shield, +rerolls from Skink priest. That is a 2+...
So, for the coming campaign my store is putting a starting cap on armies at 1,000 points. Using the leaked points counts, I decided I would be...
Tbh, I am not so sure on that assessment, it depend on how you build around it. Looking at taking part in a series of games at my store, Kroak +...
Well, I do have these hundred or so models, it would always be good to be able to use all my Slann :)
Because Choir of the Heavens lets you use a spell more than once each turn. This includes your Slann's native 3 spells he starts with. So it does...
So I am very interested in getting 4 sets of those Kroxigor Replacements.
Ok, so looking at the issues with the previous suggestions of myself and Killer Angel, I am going to give this homebrew Slann Formation one more...
I would probably drop the no counting as casualties entirely tbh. Also the casting and range perks would stack but might reduce the range to...
Anyway my 3 to5 suggestion was based on the librarian conclaveand being a formation to take down Nagash.. that was what it was balanced at.. death...
Well the fluff book has a 12 slann conclave deciding on a plan of their own to beat chaos because of superior insight.... just imagine 12 slann!
I don't have any of them... i have five slann though :p
But easier to table by far, and relies on being much more Artillery Bait...I mean keeping slann all bunched up to get the best bonuses also makes...
Mmm, I had my own blueprints I think I will share... Slann Conclave, This formation consists of between 3 and 5 models with the Slann and...
Might need to look into doing some Homebrew for it, I mean after all, is not AOS the age of Homebrew...
There is a formation though I would like to see, a Slann Conclave formation, formed of at least three Slann and giving casting boosts.... I mean...
Yes, I myself am building towards a nice little council of Slann, Am trying to get to the point where the old telepathy rule would actually be...