@PabloTho Your warscroll is amazing! If you want some changes here it is: Skink Slingers Move - 6” - don’t need to move that much cus’ they...
This is great!
I love this idea! However, maybe if the target is 12” or less it should have a 3+ to hit (4+ to wound) since the target is closer making the shot...
Well I was thinking the same thing, according to Aztec history there would be about a large unit firing these slings but I was also thinking about...
Ye I understand other empires and etc. had slings too but it hasn’t been really incorporated into warhammer in general.
Recently @Bandicoot created a thread about how allies can fill holes in the Seraphon army. One of the conclusions was using the Stormcast...
If I were you, I would go for the shadow strike starhost - 2 x 10 skinks - 1 Slann Starmaster - 1 Starpriest - 3 Rippers or - 6 Rippers -...
Thanks Guys!!!
I can probably magnetize it and inter change between the Ark and the Engine
Ohhh so if I chose the Ark of Sotek I cannot use the Searing Beam attack. Thank You!
Hello, I was just wondering if you build a bastiladon with the “Ark of Sotek” can you not use the “Searing Beam” attack?
How much for your rippers? If you’re selling them
So I have recently joined this forum and have realized that the most ESSENTIAL AND BEST unit is the Razordons, (sometimes) the Ripperdactyl riders...
Thank You!!!
What is better, ripperdactyl riders or terradon riders? Pros and cons? And also, what unit would you make leader and which artifacts would you...
(Sorry if this sounds nooby) I have started collecting Seraphon and I am wondering why are razordons better than salamanders?