Thanks a bunch! Totally understand what you mean. I am considering picking up/converting some gouts of flame so it looks like they are spitting...
Some better pics methinks... I will take some side by sides with the other team for comparisons. I have tons of progressive pics during the...
these were taken with a camera phone, will get better ones later.
Finished the male and his pack, will post pics this weekend . Two hours of painting total. That includes basing and taking pics when I...
Very nice! Great standard! I like the choice of colors!!! Keep it up, I am enjoying these guys!
Will do so with this salamander team once thanksgiving holiday is over. Busy with the family and cooking a turkey!
Glad you think so. No would guess he could double as a razordon if need be!
Try again, I am sorry, I messed up my link earlier. I got him and the handlers primered though!!! Slamander, male type. sorry for earlier!
Another Slamander, male type. sorry for crappy pics, was in a hurry!
1 million dollars!!! mwahahaha Thanks for making it seem like it is purchase worthy haha. I have the following to do: 36-40 Saurus with spears...
Glad you like. Finished cleaning and filing he next team. Going to do some minor changes to mark this one out as a male. Keep your eyes open,...
Thanks you two! I was a little scared about the stripes, but no guts no glory right? Ya, I hate the current LM cold ones, they look so doofy. I...
Thanks for the compliment! Can't wait to see yours! New update! I puttied on the flame sac under his throat and added some scales after...
Use a pin vise/dremel with a drill bit on it. Or use an exacto knife and once you penetrate the base, start rotating it slowly. Be careful,...
Thinking the following: 1. Make Slann the BSB, perhaps a magical banner? 2. Make the Priest lvl 1, keep scroll, drop cloak 3. Make Scar Vet...
WOW thanks! To be truthful I have looked at your log over and over and it actually made me get my butt in gear to start the LM army I have....
So I am just wanting to try something different than I normally do. I want to run a Slann solo depending on the situation. He can always join...
Close ups of the Steggy. Attached the crew and did the shields on the steggy's howdah. Not totally complete, but a start!
Hey thanks a bunch! Glad you like! I have a few more things of terrain to do then it's back to the lizardmen!
Thanks a lot you two. I just took a diversion and did a couPle pieces of terrain. Back on the lizards this weekend!