I may just go with ice weapons and a purplish ornamentation. Blowpipes would prob be purple, seeing as they aren't the parts that hit he enemy...
Not sure on the jade, may be too much green! I can do a test if I can find the right greens. Still considering the ice idea on the weapons. The...
I feel like that may blend in with the models too much unfortunately. What about a purple? like amethyst or something? BTW here is what my...
The army was a blast to toss on the board. My buds were surprised at how much painting I had gotten done! Everything did its job, especially one...
I used the Incan dictionary and just chose certain words and combined them. Hope it kind of makes sense. The 15 cohorts is merely a place to put...
Rit'i Saqra(Snow Devil) - Scar Vet -Armor of Fortune -Venom of the Firefly Frog -Halberd Rit'i Taytakura(Snow Priest) - Skink Priest -Lvl 2...
Also, I am looking to run this tonight in a doubles game: Rit'i Saqra(Snow Devil) - Scar Vet -Armor of Fortune -Venom of the Firefly Frog...
Perhaps it may work. But in front of my face they aren't blindingly white. In fact their skin is a greenish color, as it should be from the...
I would think so. I mean he does produce two artillery dice worth of shots when he stand-and-shoots. Of course getting misfires are always a...
Here are some pics as promised! Skinks Saurus All Thoughts? Ugh my picture taking skills are lacking. And I know they are a little...
Just put the first bit of paint on the saurus and finished the scales on more skinks. Also got all the blue eyes and crests done on one unit oN...
My goodness, that actually appeals to me. Thanks for showing that to me, I may just implement that.
Thanks all! @N810 - thanks for the ideas, I like that armor, and it is actually close to where I was headed! Still not sure on the eye, I want...
@Caprasauridae - sorry no blue on the skin, not a fan of it. But I did make a concession, your idea about the crests had tons of merit! So at...
The air is frigid. Snow falls steadily, coating the ground with a stark whiteness that is blinding. The morning has come, and the sun peaks slowly...
It use to be that whoever charged got to attack first. There was no stepping up, so anything killed didn't get to hit back. It was also only the...
Ok, new to Lizardmen and I want to do something less reliant on magic. Here is what I am thinking. This is for a good time! Saurus Old Blood...
Re: Icebloods (1k Lizardmen Army List w/a little fluff) I did consider that at one point, and my next upgrade is to get another block of Saurius...
I think that all depends on who you are using them against. But I tend to think of balanced and something that is more like a swiss army knife,...
Re: Icebloods (1k Lizardmen Army List w/a little fluff) Took some of the advice, and did some slight changes: Icebloods 1000 Points:...