Yes. This is the one.
Well if I take out the Knights and Skinks that's 320 which is a lord Kroak...but that doesn't free up anymore points to run more Kroxigors or...
what does “just the base mesh” mean?
Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Koatl's Claw Leaders Saurus Sunblood (130) - General - Command Trait: Dominant Predator - Artefact: Blade...
I'm very sad I sold my Balewind Vortex to my friend for his Ogor army and now suddenly it seems extremely important. It's literally nowhere now....
I had never considered 3D printing before. Now I have consumed hours of videos and researching what the best 3D printer for an affordable price...
Well maybe not *exclusively* Lost Kingdom Miniatures. Thingiverse has some terrain stuff I can add to basing materials (like plants, rocks,...
I like Koatl's Claw because their space ship got hijacked and their Slan lord is sick and can't do much so the Saurus just kind of forgot their...
I've been looking into 3D Printers mostly for the gorgeous Lost Kingdom Models. In my own personal research (about 15 websites ranking top 10 3D...
And thus it's like welp I'd rather play the Koalt's Claw (Aggressive Saurus list) and include some Kroxigor's and it be what it is. Also it's the...
I don't know if anyone pointed this out, but upon reading the Sunblood's Warscroll, they choose an ENEMY unit and ALL saurus which attack this...
I feel as though it would be natural to perhaps have a Skink Starseer or a Skink Starpriest nearby either way, both for protection of the Skink...
I guess I don’t fully understand the implications of Seraphon. Playing with Ironjawz it’s usually smaller blocks with an average bravery of about...
yeah. My Ironjawz (Big Waaagh! Allegiance) are my most competitive army. If I’m playing Seraphon it’s going to be for the models I like. I’m...
I don't know if I suck or what, but it's taken me 200 turns just to secure the bottom right of the map and by this time it turns out all the orks...
Is it possible to make a functioning list of Koatl's Claw with Saurus and squeeze in Kroxigor? It feels tight for points? Astrolith Bearer, Skink...
What I was trying to do was illustrate how the Saurus Guard lack a purpose. For Ironjawz the Ardboyz stat-line makes them a great anvil, and they...
I was using the comparison mostly for myself. As an Ironjawz player when looking over Seraphon Warscrolls I had thought the Saurus Guard were very...
Hey man! I really appreciate the reply! I started doing some research into 3D printers. I became a Patreon essentially just for the...
So here's the deal. I used to play Seraphon but then I sold them. I'm considering getting back into them, but I for sure won't if I have to get...