These are looking amazing I really want to make me some objective markers and comet marker. One day... one day... All my markers are currently...
No one voted for Australia? That's ok I'll cast my Aussie vote for everyone hehe :) I'm so glad Antarctica is an option
Eighth rule of painting: If there is an unpainted model, you have to paint. But yeah, paint however you want whether it be bright and vibrant or...
Forth rule of painting: Only two brushes to a model (metallic and non-metallic paints) Fifth rule of painting: One unit at a time
First rule of painting - paint whichever colour your lizardly heart desires If you want to follow colour scheme GW has done, you can look up some...
I like the colour scheme. Because of the green would they sort of blend into brown/green basing? If your willing to put in some extra time &...
That looks great, the bigger mount definitely suits our Saurus. Out of curiosity how well does it rank up with other cavalry?
I've often taken (halberd or GW), Charmed shield, Talisman of pres, Flying carpet, light armour giving him a 2+/4++ against shooting One of the...
If @Riggs adds a shield his Oldblood would lose its Supersaurus pose. Although I always take a shield or charmed shield, you're still able to...
That looks awesome already. Faster than a Terradon More powerful than a Kroxigor Able to leap large temples in a single bound This amazing spawn...
All very interesting. I feel like eating some jam... and bamboo now... ...wait what?
Yes Sir, Sorry Sir. I do my best to help watch the forum. Hopefully it won't collapse into itself next time like the Polar Gates. That wasn't my...
Me: "Ah NIGHTBRINGER quoted my post, no wait that's Scalenex, no wait that's NIGHTBRINGER, what?:confused:" I don't check the forum for a day or...
When you say "I need to roll anything but a 1" and you roll a 1. Everytime
If it's not too much trouble, I'd like a Spawning of Bob type avatar of a Saurus or Skink trying to open a jar of jam (jelly?) or something to do...
When you also super glue your fingers to the joint in the model What other unfortunate events about anything would you all like to share?
When you paint a mass of Saurus in one process only to discover one of them was hiding away and didn't get painted. Now it will never look the...
When you have 3 dice to roll for your Oldblood's wardsave and they all roll 1's. Obviously wasn't meant to live
That looks great, can't wait to see the Carnosaur painted with the rider
That looks great, I like the Mark of Tzeench. Very cool :) Gotta get me something like that. I also make a mess all over my table with painting,...