Yes The other races are probably just taking this Nagash business a little too seriously. They haven't seen what we have. What could be worse...
There would be some awesome combos with Orcs and Lizardmen, but due to desperate alliances, I'm not allowed to cast augments onto forces of...
Thanks for the input borkbork! :) I'll drop a unit of sallies and bring in a unit of chamos and another Oldblood & Scar Vet. You were right, in...
Hi all, Some time within the next month I will be playing a team game. It’s Lizzies & O&G against Empire & O&G each player 2000pts. The trouble...
This 2000pt game popped in my head right away: Empire had a level 1 Death wizard who managed to roll for Purple Sun. He had 1st turn, ran his...
Tricks for warmachines you seem to have covered: Tetto'eko for Vanguard and get Stegs into combat ASAP Scouts small Skirmisher units WD Slann is a...