I mean, the Troglodon is basically a spinosaurus.
I always preferred javelins for the better wounds, because I tend to use them as roadblocks in bricks of 20, so 8 inch move with a 4/4 shooting...
I keep forgetting about the max size discount. In that case, add an Oldblood to the list.
How little love Seraphon gets is almost surprising, considering how many people play them, in the US at least. The only army with more players are...
Thank you! I don't usually play hardline summoning, so I wasn't *entirely* certain as to how it worked.
Considering how reliant on summoning our army is in its current state, is there any reason to not take more than one Starmaster? Either for more...
Other than the gameplay aspects, I would love a lore update to the universe in general, maybe dropping a temple ship in Ghur, yeah? The Seraphon...
I just tend to advance forward with the Brick O' Saurus, with the trogs behind them as what equates to supporting artillery, and when someone...
The list I use most often is this- Leaders- Saurus Sunblood(140) -General -Blade of Realities -Thickly Scaled Hide Battleline- 40x Saurus...
Ideally you can manage to pull out both, but faced with a choice I tend to go with rend. Edit: I can generally trust my own dice to carry me...
I thought Great Rememberer was a Slann specific command trait?
No no no, find a different word for warfare- Hearts and minds. We need hearts and minds, specifically those of Kevin Rountree
You could always try your hand at converting some other similar models into Razordons.
Jesus someone needs to airdrop this conversation in leaflets over Nottingham.
If he's using the orruk arrowbrick, I would suggest a sunclaw over shadowstrike if you goal is SPECIFICALLY to complement the ranged arrowboyz,...
If your goal is frontline work, I would strongly recommend saurus over skinks, but I am also unfamiliar with orruks in general, so I can't really...
I tend to either LoSaT the Basti into the enemy general to tie them up and (most often) kill them, or use them to roadblock the enemy's elite units.
Because a 10/10/10 eternal is nigh on immortal It also occurs to me, we're talking about a smaller scale battle here. I tend to play between 750...
That's why I go heavier skink with high MW opponents.
See, I don't like running a horde though, so I tend to take an Eternal Starhost (So I can end up with a 2 up save, and stupid objective holding...