Very nice ^_^
How does 1/72 scale models compare to our usual 28mm models ? Taking 1m80 divided by 72 give me 25, so they are simply the old 25mm scale ?...
Ebay ? Or is there some kind of sale of pikemen ongoing ?
Ironically, one reason for why T9A is more popular on the whole in Europe is maybe that Warhammer Fantasy was more popular here, so when GW killed...
For mention it was mentionned that cover being affected by stealthy might not have been kept in the final version.
The Lute of Insatiable Darkness is strongly hinted as simply giving bane chant to the user, similar to the healing charm and the boomstick. In my...
Same here, but only because I am first waiting to see if they will translate it into french or not
This one :
My understanding was that fury was for some orcs units (probably the gore riders among others) and vicious for some salamanders units (including...
Wait, Fury ? I remember reading about the kaisenor getting Vicious. And wasn't Fury an idea for the orcs initially ? But it might work for the...
For reference as Mantic forums have changed url :...
The armor make them look more like golems in my opinion, but nice models.
Thanks Matt, you're really back in force ! ^_^
I would like to also attract some attention to this other important point from my point o view : This is very important because it imply that...
Summary from KOW seminary : Tournament book coming early next year (Feb I think was mentioned). Contains new scenarios, new artefacts, new...
From wikipedia : So Rhinosaur would simply be something like "nose reptile/lizard", or a reptile with a rather big nose or similar. You can...
I'm not so sure about that, I think that between two veteran genreals, when you are no longer relying on crutches like spammed fliers or LB/BA,...
For those that have the old 5th edition starter set with Brets vs Lizardmen, or other models from this era, the old sauruses make very nice...
Well, they are not underpowered as in "why do Tomb Kings have some units that are stricly inferior to their Vampire counts equivalent ?", an more...
Well, in that situation I would use tha ankylodon combined with another unit to kill the elementals faster, i keep seeing its small frontage...