I was not thinking about heroes, but mainly about big hordes that are often deployed near the middle of the table, plus maybe some monsters that...
Yes, it's so hard to kill that it's almost like deploying a mobile impassable terrain that can do some damage
I think that it should probably work better with a more defensive gameplay, when you are able to force your opponent to comes to you, even if...
Probably a good idea, it can be intereseting to see how the trend evolve. Note that you might want to post a message in the Kings of War thread...
If you have spare saurus models (if they are your base salamanders), you can eitheir convert some with pistols (from the Empire GW range for...
Well, you can only take one artefact per unit, so not both at the same time, but yes it's possible. It would make him maybe too expensive however...
Arkosaurs (and other lizard races) are also a nice way to allow you to use different models from other ranges, eitheir as alternatives for...
i find that the old plastic saurus models from 5th edition (the ones that where in the starter box) make very nice unblooded, as they are slightly...
We have to remember that the RC priced the units not simply because of a simple mathematical formula, but be evaluating their effective potential...
There is one big difference between the two : the Clutch Warden if inspiring to ghekkotah units, and this make a big difference. Sure, if you use...
I think that the size is more or less the same, they are both on 25mm square bases and somewhat bulky, but it would be nice to see a picture of a...
Hi Matt ! ^_^
Very nice indeed ^_^
Well, note that they are very small flames, they were made for basing after all, you can see them in the sprue pic at...
Oh, I've seen your pictures on the mantic forums, they were very nice indeed (well, I suppose that it was you as there were the exact same dinos)
Also note that the Mantic Salamander kit come with small flames that can be used to decorate the bases of your ember sprites.
The gamezone mount being bigger than the GW cold ones, it can also make a very good Rhinosaur, as already discussed in another thread.
D&D miniature and reaper have many resptilian humanois that might be used, and you can always justify differences in style by saying that your...
Also note that "hot blooded" is not the same "warm blooded"
Nice pic, in any case the gamezone mount is clearly bigger than the cold one, but not so much bigger that it look like a monster, so perfect for a...