Well, with a small saw to cut and reposition the legs and some green stuff I suppose that you might convert the existing Salamanders models into...
Wow, it looks even better that I hoped. Green stuff on the mount is expected for a gamezone metal as those usually don't fit perfectly, but what...
Good idea, the Gamezone riders are indeed slightly bigger than cold ones and should allow you to have both units in your army. Slightly expensive...
Remeber that you can multibase, and sometimes it also mean that you are not forced to use the same miniature in multiples. For exemple I once saw...
Some of the Dungeon Saga heroes got their own profile as living legends in the Destiny Of Kings supplement, you can see them on...
I checked and yes he is supposed to be the Dungeon Saga Salamander hero.
I don't own Dungeon Saga, but I'm almost sure that yes he is the hero from DS
There is a Salamander hero in dungeon Saga, maybe his fluff can add something ? i rather like the current version, and the fact that there exists...
Note that the dogs are not a simple filler, they are used as a token to represent the Throwing mastiif upgrade to some units. Also, for reference...
Oooooh I missed that ! Depending on their scale I might use them as Black souls (normal Abyssal dwarf infantry) aside my immortal guard (elite...
1 euro per mini for resin models is really cheap. i wonder if I might use them to convert into abyssal dwarves ? Thanks for the link anyway.
Also for most KoW armies, Reaper usually has great and cheap models, maybe not for the units themselves (usually), but almost alsways for heroes...
Wow, the starter is already a very good deal at £49.99, but at 32 it's almost a steal, where did you find it at this price ?
Oh one additionnal information, in case you were not aware we already know since a long time about a coming supplement with new major factions,...
Well, Basilea can still be a good choice, even if you ignore the men at arms (and maybe the sisters on foot), the rest of the range is not too...
If needed don't hesitate to go to Bugman's brewery forums, they have also created a Kings of War subforum where all things dwarven are discussed :...
The dwarf plastics where from their 1st generation of models, back when they worked with Renedra, so technically the plastic sprues are very good,...
Closest to a Salamander army box is this kit : http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/kings-of-war/forces-of-nature/product/clan-of-fire.html...
A word of warning about the basileans, they were financed by a previous Kickstarter with the goblins (during KoW 1st edition), and it was the...
Well, you can start with the human part, and then add halfling little by little as you get the appropriate models. There have been a few halfling...