They are from the Primaris Inceptor squad. :) [IMG]
Haha my Tyranids are still around and at some point I will get more models for that army, I lack some models I want to get. Warriors, Haruspex,...
My Flamer Aggressors and my Honor Guards :) [IMG] [IMG] And my christmas was good. One step closer to playing 40k properly :D [IMG]
Just looked up that airbrush and the air compressor.. Hot damn that's alot of money. I could buy three Baneblades for that or a forgeworld model...
I see, might look into it in the future then :) Tips on good airbrushes etc?
Thanks! And no I dont have a airbrush, never tried it before. Doubt I would be any good with it :o
My take on the Calgar model, will be my new Chapter Master :D But unsure if I can use him in a game since I dont run as Ultramarines but damn it...
Some more progress on my super tank, you can never have enough gatling guns haha. I was surprised by the size of the Repulsor tower, thought it...
I had this saved in my DnD folder, someone who made up some Warhammer Fantasy / AOS units into DnD encounters: Legions of Nagash Flesh-Eater...
RPG in general, yes. However I have not played "Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay", I used 5th Edition DnD for my RPG games with Warhammer minis. The...
The progress on my super tank thus far. Got the ramp bit the other day and began to cover some gaps and holes with green stuff but also make some...
Ah a fellow Swede. Welcome welcome.
While the frame for the tank is done and some work with plasticard nearly done I'm still waiting for some bits to arrive for my conversion work to...
My Baneblade kit arrived yesterday. Still waiting for some bits for my converstion plan but will be fun to build this the coming week! [IMG]
Heres a little bunch of Intercessors almost ready to join their brothers. These are built for Kill Team but will otherwise work with regular...
Here's the Chief Librarian in all his glory and ready to hit his foes with knowledge. [IMG] Also got my hands on the "Lieutenant Calsius" from...
Began working on my Chief Librarian in Gravis Armor today. [IMG]
Some work in progress, a Company Captain and my Master Apothecary! I got the Chief Librarian on his way but waiting for some bits to arrive so its...
My Chapter Master along with a Chaplain and Librarian done! I somehow found painting blue armor harder than white.. I plan on trying to kitbash...