Was bored and decided to set up my Primaris force against my Tyranids. Always nice to have your own little Warhammer world at home haha. [IMG]...
Managed to prime some more models and got some work done on my Chapter Master guy. And I got a citadel battlemat today which I won the other day,...
Finished my Aggressors and my second Reiver squad :) [IMG] [IMG]
Haha I see it more of a "Come at me bro" pose :D
[IMG] Finished my "Veteran/Champion" squad (first four), and a Sergeant (fifth). Really wish Primars had proper melee options in the actual...
My Primaris progress thus far.. How many are too many I wonder haha. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Primed some more Primars models today but ended up running out of spray paint so didnt manage to prime them all but here are some. I'm starting...
Damn that's tough.. Between 1 and 2. While 3 is nice.. the death of a pet is somthing I can live with and already have been through before. As the...
I've been giving my Primaris a small makeover by giving them an extra thin coat of white to lighten them up a bit. Got a couple of more models...
Sure is! :D
With my birthday right around the corner, I, with the help of my dad extended my dinner table. I always wanted a larger table for my tabletop...
My Kingsguard thus far! My plans for a Cavalry will come once my Primaris army is ready, with the HQ so expensive on their own it's taking longer...
Thanks I think so as well :D And yeah, I had nothing else nearby haha but it worked!
Here are my Kingsguard, the regiment from my Knight World. The models on the picture are work in progress, some shading and details missing...
And here are my Imperial Knights! I've put some decals on them but other than that they are more or less done! Loved making them! [IMG] And...
New project! Imperial Knights, been wanting to buy this box for a while now.. finally did it and now I'm having a blast building them. Painting...
And there we go, my Primaris army thus far. 4 Intercessor squards 7 Lieutenants 1 Centurion squad 1 Hellblaster squad 1 Redemptor Dreadnoughts...
I've been lazy on the updates again. Tsk tsk! So here's whats up.. Still working on my Primaris army. Got my hands on some more Intercessor from...
Finally got the bits I ordered weeks ago, an extra trygon tail so I could finish off the Mawloc from the starter box I bought before since I used...
And here's my converted Toxicrene. Tried to go for a "Queen" like character for my Splinter fleet. One of the downsides about Tyranids, making...