Finished off my PDF and Tech-Priest Dominus. They fit together so well! [IMG] And here are my Genestealer trio! Finished up the "Prince" today,...
Received the heads for my PDF guys and my other Starter Box. Tried to spend some time outside because it was so sunny, but no wind whatsoever so...
Yeah, I tried around with some heads/helmets I had about but none that I found fit the way I wanted other than the Tempestus Scions heads but...
They finally arrived. Only took a whole month to come.. lol. Also got my Tyranid Toxicrene for my upcoming conversion so I got a good weekend so...
And here are my Primaris repainted and almost finished. Only some minor details and the banner that needs some more paint jobs. Other than that,...
This fur is from Bears ;)
Gave all my Primaris fur capes :) [IMG]
I'll try! Will see what color scheme I go for, ordered some new paints this weekend so. And Lannister? Pftss! Backstabbing folk! Plus that would...
Had some extra time to kill so gave all my Lieutenants and my Captain some Fur capes ^^ Also swapped the Captain's Sword for a Warhammer. [IMG]...
So I'm finally done painting every hormagaunt I had.. Not touching any new hormagaunts for a while now! My gargoyles are still WIP as I haven't...
Thanks! And yes. Never tried it before so this is a first :)
I'm really happy with how it turned out! His base was a bit small for me to add any big cape onto his back so placed him on another base (he was...
Spent the whole night panting the armor/scale of my Hormagaunts. Very time consuming but easy to get done when I'm watching something meanwhile....
I might have over-done it this time hah.. Won a couple, aka 44 Hormagaunts and got them today. Leaving me with a total of 56 Hormagaunts. Think...
Please.. I really hope it doesnt have any "call backs" to the new trilogy.. That would feel so forced.
Spent the day sitting outside and painting in the sun. Didn't expect to get them all finished but here we go hehe.. I loved to paint the Trygon....
Yepp, that's why I'm going full "melee mode" on my Tyranids :)
Got the Start Collecting Tyranids box today :D Love the Trygon, such a fun model to build! If the weather is as warm and sunny as today I will sit...
Not hard at all, its like wooden lego that fits together easily. Some minor parts are easily broken tho. And sticks together very well with PVA...
Got myself some HDF terrain from TT Combat and Micro Art Studio. While Micro's terrain is more expensive their designs are quite sturdy since...