That trailer got my hopes up after the disaster that was TLJ, this seems to be in the same bag as Rouge One and I liked that one.
No not really ^^
Got a bunch of spare legs and other bits to make more fire warriors but I lack torsos.. I have googled like a madman to fight bit-shops that they...
Yeah that's where I got my legs and arms for my Gue'vesa :) They got good stuff indeed.
Those are some nice bits, especially the weapons but seem quite expensive. I've been looking into getting bits from necromunda but not just now. I...
Finished up my Gue'vesa force, a mix of humans, former guardsmen and miners fighting for their homeworld and the Greater Good. I also got myself a...
Aye, In my experience most of the EU countries are fast for being abroad. Only country I'm no fan of is Russia, their mailing service take forever...
Just checked the order history and it took 10 days from payment to being shipped, but I don't recall it taking that long from being shipped. 1...
Thanks! Must have missed your post among the others when the whole "like" thing was going on in the other thread :D Right now I'm trying to...
Okej, now it works fine for me, no popup page. Might have been my NoScript, put the new URL on trusted. So might have been that.
I cleared my browser the other day when the whole URL swap happened. Will look through my Firefox add-ons if something is wrong there.
Not really maybe 3-4 since the URL swap.
This is what I get when I try to like a post. [IMG]
Is the whole "Are you sure you want to like this post?" new? Just noticed it today. Is that necessary?
Yes I bought that model some time ago, you can see the bits and final model here. Its a nice model for sure!
Time for an update of what's been happening :) Got that WG Exclusive's Ethereal the other week. Very cool model but it was a mess to paint due to...
Ordered WG Exclusive's latest Tau model. Love it! Such a cool looking Ethereal! [IMG] And here is my Tau army at it's near full force! Just...
My attempt at making a member of the Tau Water Caste. Merchant/Diplomat :) [IMG] [IMG]