Go for it! Hehe Kroots on Carnosaurs would be cool hehe. Thanks, and yeah they are quite expensive. I won my three crisis suits on auctions by...
Haven't posted much lately so figured it's time for an update. Began to dabble with Tau recently and so far I've picked up a couple of models....
That is the Nether Beast from Red Box.
Slann Mage Priest: "You are on the council, but we do not grant you the rank of master" Skink Priest: !?!?!??!
You're right, might have gone too far there. :p
Haha would be fun to make a council of Slanns and have them circling a banished Skink.
Hehe I always have my eyes open for new stuff. Some days I spend hours searching for lizard/dino miniatures. Majority ends up being kickstarter...
This and here :)
Some work done and some more work in progress. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Made the hunters into a more "Ranger" looking unit. Ranged unit...
Some work in progress. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Thanks :D And I believe those are hippogryphs since they are half eagle half horse. Griffons are half eagle half lion I believe. Love the models.
I can't believe my luck tonight... I had my eyes on three auctions and was ready for them but I found it odd that no one was bidding on them but...
Work in progress. When with a larger oval base for the sake of having more space to work with. Now I'm trying to decide if I should add two...
Haha I know I know.. Not saying it's not cool at times but I prefer the "classic" scaled beasts :p
This chubby little beauty arrived today. Love the throne and the expression on the Slann's face haha. Some pieces seems to be hollow while some...
Sadly no clue. I've never been a fan of feathered dinos but that conversion is top notch.
Here are my big baddies. I really enjoy the larger oval bases more as they give more space to mess with. Think I will get one for my middle carno...
Little peak on my WIP Saurus Lord and the Skink rider for the Troglodon. Wanted to do a foot version of one of my Saurus Lords but then I noticed...
Thanks :)
Tried to go for the pattern of my Corn Snakes and it turned out alright for a first try. Also first time using citadel shade.. Although the one I...