Named items (artifacts), battle traits and allegiance abilities are in the GHB, indeed. In the Seraphon Battletome onthe contrary you can find...
Ok, but just a little note: points are in the General's Handbook, it is completely normal you don't see them in your Seraphon Battletome :)...
Hi @KharnTheSkink ! Here are a couple of suggestions (everything is my personal opinion, so don't give it too much credit ;)): - if you are not a...
This thing is pure genius! Nice!
I haven't played lots of (video)games in my life, and I never really enjoyed doing it... ... but not long ago I saw a game which FORCED me to...
Screens for the screens god! Pics for the pics throne!!! ... I'm so sorry guys, I don't even belong to this thread since I never played a Total...
Yeah, thanks guys: they are all in their YouTube channel... I hope they put them in the app (maybe expanding the Getting Started page by adding a...
I quite like the app, but it seems I cannot find any tutorials on how to use the Technical Paints (Nihilak Oxide, Typhus Corrosion, etc)... Can...
Yeah, I'll do my best, but I'm not that good at "Mathammer" cause I am not a competitive player at all, so I never play looking for what is...
I don't know, we have certainly been heavily buffed... yeah, maybe a little too much! Not because our new abilities are overpowered (I guess...),...
Here is my opinion: to me, a good Skirmish list must have the following features, in descending order of importance 1 - its (only, usually) Hero...
I honestly don't mind having 2 heroes on the battlefield... But certainly sounds weird since not many Skirmish players allow that! To me it sounds...
Welcome! Always happy to see new people joining the sacred mission to purge the universe from the abomination of Chaos! :joyful:
These things are sick!!! Wow! The Thundertusk in particular is amazing. :jawdrop:
You're welcome! :) I know lots of people don't follow this rule, and that means often a big advantage for shooting armies!
What @Ecozh said is correct, a part from a little detail: (from the last page of AoS rules...) So a Skink who is attacking with its Boltspitter...
Really nice job: very well-thought and coherent! I like it a lot.
<<Oh my god, they are so cu-- >> *takes a venomous dart in the neck :hungover:
Ahaha, that is amazing! And hilarious at the same time... Seraphon have really received A LOT of buffs. They are frankly frightening now. :eek:
Thank you for the update! I'm really happy to hear our feral brothers have wrecked some wooden butt, and well... ... those allegiance abilities...