:meh: Yes, we got it, @NIGHTBRINGER , you don't like AoS: there's no need to repeat it again. Let's all try to be positive, respect the others'...
I hate it. But I love it. But I also hate it. Obviously, I don't have elements to say this, but I believe the first picture may refer to...
This is a complete new level of awesomeness. :jawdrop:
The most simple way is to look for the description of the very model in the Games Workshop website. At the end of the description of the miniature...
This blog is the top level of awesomeness, @Iblitz ! I find your work beautiful: your minis are amazing, and I'm speaking about how good their...
Of course, this is the best solution ever! You're welcome! P.S. But don't forget to let us know who will be the winner! :joyful:
Nice! Well... Put this way I could agree a Starseer could be a better choice because all your army could benefit from its rerolls... Well, here's...
It's not a simple choice not knowing how many points your army must be! In general I'd say starpriest 'cause it's more versatile: it can sustain...
I'm sure there are several other ways to use it in a more clever way, but this is how I am going to use it: first of all set the language to...
This is PERFECT! :jawdrop: Thanks a lot!!!
Noboby could ever fall asleep when someone say "After a long break (roughly 20 years [...] ) I finally got back to fantasy/40k and miniatures in...
I think there are lots of people around here with a similar story! :) And that's a good thing, of course! But I never had enough courage to try...
I have so many models to paint that the "Collecting/Painting/Modelling" option should have been my only choice... ... but all I'm planning to...
Thanks for this post(s), it's nice to hear about all these things! GW is doing a good job in my opinion, with some occasional exceptions... ......
Hi @Lord-Marcus ! I think this might be helpful to you: it is a link to an eBay user's webpage who I believe has a lot of interesting things on...
I see some toxicity in this thread, so I'm gonna leave it in a few moments, but not before having linked you this:...
Sorry, but now I'm from my smartphone and have some difficulty to see all the posts without making confusion! Well, let's begin saying I have no...
Ahaha, well, I admit that guy behaved really poorly: maybe in the future he will no more understimate Seraphon players! :turtle::punch: This is...
CAUTION! RANT INCOMING! :watching: [This post is just my personal opinion: I don't want to offend anyone, and I'm trying to make a general...
Mmh... Honestly I think it doesn't stack. The exact wording is "roll a dice at the end of the shooting phase for each unit that suffered any...